Rambling on and on again
I'm freestyling
So the prof said that poetry is all about hard work when I said that it's about inspiration. Right, but then, I can't really agree with that. I mean, imagine some dude sit in front of the desk the whole day and tries to write a few lines. After hours of endless struggle, will he be able to cough something out? That just won't happen, will it? Look, if you were to write something, without topic and without aim, what can come out of your pen? Come on, get real. Creativity isn't something that can be achieved by sitting there and think. You need a direction; a path of some sort.
Alright, so to prove that creative writing isn't all about hard work, what I am going to do is to actually write something, just like that. I'm not a poetic person, never was and never will (do I hear someone protesting?) but for the sake of it, heres a few stanzas. I'll say that this isn't tetrameter because I'm not really following any 'foot' or anything, so yep, stanzas of free verses that doesn't look much like free verses =).
I am free-styling, here and here,
just come along and sit right there.
Don't be too stringent or too stiff,
and you won't ever have to sniff.
Now, let me begin with a phrase,
this world is nothing but a race.
Come tag along and join the craze,
or get lost in your little maze.
Pulling the strings and one by one,
they snapped and are thus left undone.
Your puppeteer, your faith and sun,
left you in a world that is none.
Of course it is not all that bad,
and most of the times we are glad,
of the times and tides we all had,
until the time we all turn mad.
Seriously, for what I wrote here,
is never something one should fear.
I have no idea of this mess,
nor what I'm writing, I confess.
Maybe I should stop here instead,
and end it before I misled.
Look at the time now, how it sped,
and the things that are left unsaid.
So little time...
Gah, there's so much I want to write about but it the time of the year where you can use some extra hours... Oh well, this will be hell short, so ya, I'll make it up when time is mine again.
It's not that dry, is it?
That reminds me. The other time when I was in the states, I came across this brand of ginger ale called Canada Dry (I know it's common in the states, but you can only find them in c!tysuper). Anyway, it goes real well with a simple cup of ice. I've got sort of addicted to them and I've gotten myself at least a cup every night before I turn in. It's nice, try it.
I'm not a phish!
The first e-mail I see when I reached home ....
Dear doremon888@hotmail.com,
This e-mail has been sent to you by Hsbc UK to inform you that we were unable to verify your account details. This might be due to either of the following reasons:
1. A recent change in your personal information. (eg: address, phone)
2. Submitting incorrect information during register process.
Due to this, to ensure that your banking service is not interrupted, we request you to confirm and update your information today by following the link below
If you have already confirmed your information then please disregard this message.
Hsbc Uk member services
You know something... There are so many flaws in this e-mail that I cannot stop counting. To begin with, which idiot of a bank will start addressing someone with their e-mail address? It's so darn obvious that they don't know who the heck I am. Oh and another thing is that, I have never set foot onto the soils of UK, so the chance of me appearing there and opening an account is ... as high as you striking a lottery (pretty much =D). Well, obviously someone has used my e-mail as both the communicational e-mail AND the name (what was this person thinking?) ... Oh well, its still kinda fun to receive these kinda stuff... I mean its still better than asking me if I need "enlargements" or not, right?
Seriously, for a con site, this is pretty well made. But notice the web url. Bomber Sunglasses? Woah, I guess your account will really explode if you log in.
Can't I slack for a bit longer?
Still, school sounds like such a surrealistic concept. Somehow, ever since I've entered this little university of mine, the whole concept of discipline, micro-society and stuff seems to have fallen apart. What school meant was that teacher's words are absolute, and following their orders are like following your beloved sergeant at boot camp - do or die. But then, I've realized soon enough that such concept are kind of absurd. Teaching is merely a job, and teachers aren't saint who makes mistakes. Rather, teachers make so darn many mistakes that you won't be bothered to count. And students are merely clients of the facility, who paid for the whole "service". And then there's this concept of homework, tests and stuff. I've learned it in the past that whatever is printed in your final script counts, and whatever isn't doesn't. But this little concept has taken a new meaning when I'm in this school of mine. Even your little certificate is nothing but a piece of worthless paper. You don't have to wear it everyday, and nobody really cares what grade you got, because your currently identity is much more of a proof of your current ability. Of course, people too will recognize your capabilities that you are able to display, so what does a certificate proof that your ability doesn't? Well, I certainly won't continue on that =P.
Anyway, I sure do want to slack a bit more. Somehow all the lessons in school are identical. Go there, sit for a while, listen to some crap, talk some crap and call it a day. If you're talking about stress, there's really none provided that you don't look at your result slip at the end of the semester. Of course, I don't =D. Still, I wondered how much I've learned since I came here? It seems like my skills have declined pretty much (maths and all) when compared to high school days, but I think I'm still pretty much fulfilling my own resolution on coming here - to brush up my engrash skills. Yep, noting more, nothing less.
So the semester commences, so much for that. Oh and to the one who's leaving this lonely little isle of Hong Kong, bon voyage. Have fun in Mars~ (I hope that you can read it, though I doubt you've ever came here =P)
There's one little thing I like about Mcdonalds
Anyway, I had to visit Mac for quite a few nights because the internet was down at home and I need to get a presentation done. What I saw there was that there are quite a number of men at their 50s (at least that's what I presume), sitting there, not buying anything and trying to catch some sleep. At that instance, I got really interested in them. Of course, I mean their backgrounds and identity and not in the way that you're currently imagining. The first question that sprang in my mind is that, why are they here? Do they have a family somewhere, or are they simply there because they have no where to go? What do they do for a living or during the day time? Works belonging to the group from the bottommost of the social hierarchy? Where are they from? Locals or mainland people? And I can pretty much assume that they have at least a small level of intelligence (meaning that they are not beggars) because, hey, at least they know how to get into the Mac and camp there without causing a nuisance.
And then another set of question sprang into my mind. If they are staying there for the night (Mac is open 24/7 now -_-), what will Mcdonalds do about them, or are they gonna do something about them in the first place? Somehow it seems kind of weird, because anyone can enter a Mac and stay there for as long as he or she likes (since it never closes). And on top of that, there's free air conditioning. But then I start to wonder, does the higher ups in the company know about this? I'm certain that some of them are aware of the situation happening there. But since there are not doing about these parasites of some sort, are they trying accommodate them of some sort? I mean, who in the right mind will go for a burger at 3 in the morning? Even if I have to go for a all nighter and I'm hungry, I'll rather grab a snack in the nearest convenient stall. But then and again, Mcdonalds is doing these kind of charity while paying peanuts to their employees? Many things don't click here...
Oh well, that's the one and only thing I like about Mac. I don't like their food, their environment (their tables are always sticky), their price... Whatever, I just don't like them. Still, come to think of it, the homeless dude I met earlier on on the street, he's must be unaware of the existence of Mcdonalds as a homeless shelter.
已經蠻久沒用中文來寫些什麽了. 這篇就用中文來寫吧~
著一排, 不, 應該說一直以來, 我總是在某些社交網站看都很多對某些人或事物的正面篇章, 評語跟留言. 其實這也不是第一次的吧, 可這些東東跟我平時說看到聽到的, 不太一樣. 甚至可以這麽說, 寫這些留言跟評語的人, 寫的很"痛". 爲什麽呢? 某些人, 可能你會覺得他/她並沒什麽優點之類的... 好啦好啦, 就當他/她的優點比較難被人發現啦 (沒優點也未免太可憐了吧?). 在興的時候, 或有那個必要討好對方的時候, 或甚至在某些不懂什麽情況下, 你會看到某些很勉強的留言. 例子就別提啦, 要不然就說我在針對某某人. 可當你看到某些留言會讓你覺得 "哇噻, 亂扯得吧?" 或 "這也算優點... 無言了" 的時候, 嗯嗯, 就是那種感覺. 真的啦, 如果想不到就別講啦. 靠, 又沒人說你是啞巴... 爲什麽總得講點什麽的呢? 那麽硬來, 未免有點太假了吧?
所真的, 這也還好啦. 有時候你會看到在某網站上, 某某跟某某看來聊得很好的, 然後再背後就會聼到前者或後者說 "其實我恨死他/她了" 或 "他/她好虛僞哦". 拜托, 是你自己虛僞吧?! 如果你真的跟他/她那麽好, 幹嗎再背後又說東說西的呢? 還是其實你暗戀他/她吧? 還是這是你的習慣? 轉過頭又會開始說我虛僞死了或臭屁死了還是什麽? 真的不喜歡他/她, 就別和對方講這麽多鳥話啦...
還有一些更奇怪的. 有某些人跟我講話的時候, 會用幾種不同的語調的... 比方説, 用某組織的身份來講話的時候, 就會用很柔和的語調. 用朋友的身份來拜托我做事的時候, 就會用比較普通, 或平凡的語調. 如果是來講八卦的話, 哼, 什麽粗口都會來的猛了! 別以爲在網上聊天就不會發生哦. 如果用英文就代表是公事, 如果用中文就代表私事. 靠... 我服了. 我跟同一個人都是用同一種語調的. 當然, 陌生人就會柔和一點, 朋友就會隨和點. 可同一個人, 不同情況用不同語調... 有那麽一個必要嗎?
其實網上世界還算好了點, 最起碼你可以想一想再回復. 真實中的談話, 嘩, 就真的好像玩電玩一樣了. 有時候, 某人會跟你說 "某某說的當然不對啦, 他/她也只想利用你而已! 別上當啊!" 其實這句話可能會是跟你說的那個人在利用你, 而不是話裏的那個. 想想看, 如果你覺得跟你說這句的人說得對, 而開始討厭某人, 或對他/她開始有避忌, 那說那句話的人就得逞了啊. 其實這招蠻賤的, 雖然我還沒需要用到這種話語, 可我也看得出很多人在我身上用過這門玩兒. 唉, 算了. 人生本來就是一場虛僞的面具遊戲. 辛好的是, 它只是一場而已. 不辛德是, 你死的那天, 它才會結束...
還記得以前老爸曾經說過 "你可不可以別在別人面前校正我?" 我老媽也整天說 "如果我殺了人, 上到法庭, 你就一開口就說 '對啊, 我老媽殺了人', 那我就完蛋了! 所以你要學聰明一點, 別什麽實話都說出來." 其實有時候我也會覺得受過這種教育, 會是我人生中的一個缺陷吧? 不懂啦. 可能我父母一向來的生存模式就是把身邊所有人都矇騙過去, 才會覺得自己會收尊重, 才會覺得自己這一切會有意義吧. 可我始終認爲, 錯就要認, 錯就要站定. 就當那是一種反面教育吧?
有很多時候會覺得身邊的人的記性都很差. 説的不是名字. 我說的是事情跟說過的話語. 很多時候很多人會不記得自己以前說過什麽話, 做過什麽事 (別想歪了). 當然, 有好幾次我自己都會扮著自己不記得. 可那也是一兩次而已, 也是爲了逃避某些比較麻煩或個人的問題啦. 可很多時候很多人都會對自己以前做過的說過的都忘記了. 其實原因很簡單, 因爲他們其實是, 一, 在吹牛, 二,說得很輕, 三, 沒責任感. 如果你覺得某些内容有意義或重要的話, 其實你是不會把它給忘掉的. 會把某些回憶給忘掉, 那只能證明那内容已經不再重要了. 我個人就別説了 (也已經說過了), 可身邊的人, 真的好善忘哦...
其實, 若其要我帶著面具來做人, 我真的寧可什麽都不說. 所以很多時候你會看到我保持沉默. 有些人說我很冷酷. 無所謂啦, 什麽都好. 能做自己, 沒枷鎖地活著, 不好嗎?
Keep your comments to yourself? Nah, they cant...
Anyway, yep, I entered one of those lower class restaurant for lunch today and people started commenting on recent news (or has been). Well, let's not go any further than what I've observed for now. Hmmm, most of them are not concerned of the responsibility of whatever came out of their month as they seems to go "of course it's true" and "I'd have done a much better job" pretty often. They tend to sprout some information so as to amaze others "did you know ... ...", though most of those are pretty trivial. Most of their analysis on stuff aren't really in depth as they stop right after "of course it's true" or "because it's better/he'll do a better job". Oh and vulgarity was an essential =P (yea, vulgarity bombardment occurs once every two minutes. Hell...).
And a little analysis? To being with, my guess is that they are at the foundation level of the social hierarchy - construction workers, drivers, market vendors and stuff. Why? Well, first of all, they didn't really put much of a thought on the issues that they talked about. They don't really care about what they say as long as it's dynamic, and that they can amuse the person beside, and the person next to him. Those kinda things you'll turn into screensaver mode when you hear it. Yep, most likely. And the way and content they spoke of. It's kind of interesting but it seems, like at least to me, that they are reciting from newspaper articles. And when you add those vulgarity and mix them up altogether, ya know what I mean, right?
Still, it's interesting to listen to these babbles once in a while. It's not that I like it or what, but you get a feel of the society, of how things works and of how people relates to each other. What capture their interest and what their social focuses are at. Maybe it's just me, but somehow I feel that listening to a group of coolies talk can be more informative than reaching one textbook on society.
But yea, I prefer to stick to my own little corner and observe. As for the comments, who cares? =)
If you can't change them, and if you refuse to join them... what next?
Of course, I get it. Everyone wants to have their say, to the public and, if not, their friends and amongst their social circle. Expressionism is one major aspect of post-modernism and it's only natural that everyone wants to have a share of the pie. But then and again, it's only through these kinda events that you can get a better understanding of the people around you. Those who posts hell lots of comments, and tries to comment on each and everyone's comments (chain reaction, eh?). Those who watches in silence except for a few clicks on "like" buttons. Those who spam in forums under a name that no one knows. Those who sit back and watches as the world go round (that'll be yours truly =D). And of course, theres those who post a comment, saying "who the F*** cares" and calls it a day.
Yea, I don't really like to comment on stuff. I'm the type who usually keeps my comments to myself, though I'll be happy to bombard some if you ask =D. Anyway, theres only two probable outcomes of such taglines and stuff. Either you agree with the flow, or you disagree. Well, if you agree, it's be a stereotypical way of commenting on the same event like the whole world does. Maybe you can apply a wit or two, but thats all. And then maybe some others will agree with you and, ya, end of story. And if you disagree, ho ho ho, people like me will be happy cause it's show time =D (sorry, im being a bit cynical here, for humor's sake, trust me). A heated debate will start and people will be bombarding comments here and there. Well, maybe there'll be attacks, vulgarities, and maybe people will dig into your background, info, bla bla bla. Still, that's what happens. Oh and maybe the little facade of the internet can shield you. Maybe, but then and again, watch what you say. It's better for your health.
Still, I'll stick to my fence. No comments, no likes or dislikes. Just watch as the days rot by.
A little preview
Anyway, here's the deleted scene:
Act 2 – Family Boot Camp
Scene 1
Characters – Cecil, Examiner (voice)
Location – Examiner’s office
Examiner: Mmmm… Interesting. So your father’s job is something real special. What about your mother? Does she work?
Cecil: No. My mother is a full time housewife.
Examiner: So she is a normal housewife, right?
Cecil: Well. I won’t exactly call it normal, because it feels like Military Boot Camp at home, and I mean it literally.
Examiner (flat): … boot camp…
[Fade to black – end of scene 1]
Scene 2
Characters – Ian, Cecil, Patricia, Archie
Location – Joester household
[Alarm clock rings. Patricia enters]
Patricia (Shouts): Alright guys, [bangs frying pan twice with spatula] rise and shine!
[Ian enters]
Ian (sleepily): What is it, dear? What time is it …. What? Five-fifteen in the morning?!
Patricia: And I let you sleep in for fifteen minutes today. Aren’t I kind or something? Now, honey, go wash up.
Ian: But, dear, I just came back from Shanghai at 12 last night! And Why do we have to wake up so early every morning?
Patricia: So that you can bring those two for morning jogs. It’s for your health, so no more buts. Time to wash up. Now GO!
[Ian exits. Cecil and Archie enters]
Archie: [Yawns] … What time is it? ... Five eighteen?!
Patricia: The early bird gets the worm …
Archie: But the second mouse gets the cheese! Besides, we are not birds and we don’t survive on worms. That’s just plain ludicrous.
Cecil: And it’s Saturday! We don’t have school, so why can’t we sleep in?
Patricia: But you have your morning jog. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about that.
Archie: But mom, we are surviving on 5 hours of sleep during the weekdays…
Patricia: So sleep earlier. Oh wait, whose turn is it to wash the bathroom, is it you Cecil, or is it Archie …
Cecil + Archie: Bye, mom!
[Patricia and Archie exits, Ian enters]
Ian: What’s wrong with them? They seemed eager to use the bathroom. Having the runs this early?
Patricia: You all ARE running in a moment, aren’t you?
Ian: You know what I mean.
Patricia: Of course. And what took you so long? You’ve used the bathroom 15 seconds longer than the previous day. Wait, dear, when was the last time that you have washed the bathroom? Today should be your turn … [Takes out a toothbrush]
Ian: Eh, eh… (Shouts) Guys, morning runs!
[Ian exits]
Patricia: Gosh, with this bunch of nincompoops, it sure is hard to keep the family running. [Sizzling sound] Ah! My scramble eggs!!!
[Patricia exits]
[Fade to black – End of Act 2]
Maybe its true...
A push cart lady in Flushing said this:
NYC is not hell, but it definitely is not heaven. To those coming from rural China, maybe it's heaven, but to those coming from coastal areas, it might be hell.Well, maybe it's true. Just maybe.
No more Democracy!
I don’t know what you all think about democracy, but I really hope that things are stuck to the way it is in Hong Kong. I don’t want democracy because …
I don’t wanna feel like entering a sauna parlor whenever I try to take the subway.
I don’t wanna pay 2 bucks for a subway trip that last either one stop or 20.
I don’t wanna see heaps and heaps of trash on the street, be it night or day.
I don’t wanna pay extra tax whenever I try to get a bottle of water
I don’t wanna pay 10% of “tips” when it’s actually service charge and it’s not on the recipe
And I definitely don’t wanna wait till everyone votes to get a bridge built.
Time froze?
When I went on top of the Empire building yesterday, I said that I really liked the ornaments and design of the building cause it’s in 60’s/70’s theme, and that reminds me of rapture from Bioshock. Today, I wish I’ve never said that…
Okay, now I’m sitting in hell of a small hotel room – Pennsylvania Hotel. It’s 80 years old and I felt that time has frozen since then in this little hell hole. The bathroom’s utilities look like they’re at least 50. Okay, so the room is smaller than normal, but since it’s near Time Square, I’ll pass on the complaints. And then there’s the door. The doors of every room has a piece of arced wood glued onto it, and it looks like a casket cover (size, shape, material, everything). AND YOU BLOODY HELL NEED TO PAY FOR THE WIFI!!! Yea, so if you’re reading this, it’s written a few days ago and by the time this has been uploaded, I should be back in Hong Kong. Oh well, a few days of internetlessness is alright with me (what kinda word is that …).
And then there’s the subway. I walked in and the first thing I realized is not the messy layout or the ridiculous way to read the lines, but is that there’s bloody hell no aircon in the platforms. That means when you’re waiting for the train, it’s sauna time. Right, even if I can’t have dimsum in NY, I can still feel like one. Great. Oh and why the hell do I have to walk from one end to the other on some platform to reach the other platform after a few flights of stairs and a few turns, to find that I have to walk from start to end in another platform before I can reach the one I’m aiming for??? Really… which idiot is the engineer? He need to understand what the hell it meant by commuting. And then there’s the trains, they look like some steel product from the 50’s, enough said.
China town is worse. Everything looks like it’s from the pre-WWII period (30’s and 40’s). Shop houses with two to three stories. Loads of trash and deformed stuff and things… If Mcdonald food doesn’t have that hella many addictives and MSGs, I wont even want to go back to that Chinatown or what crap again.
Time really froze here… and for the first time, I wanna go back to Hong Kong or Singapore…
What does the tag says?
Alright, so this hit and run tour brings me to Washinton (yea, hit and run because its 8 cities/2 countries in 6 days... on coach!). So whats there to do in this world class capital? Washinton Memorial! Ya, thats more or less the only attraction that I'm interested in. I'm not really giving much of a care about other stuffs, because there really isn't much affliation which I can show. Oh right, if you ever have played or heard of the game Fallout 3, you'll know what I'm talking about. It's post-apocalyptia there, and it's pre-apocalyptia now (well, i hope this apocalyptia doesn't come =D).
Yap, nothing much to do or think. I think I've jumped over fences for like 10 times in a row. Feels kinda weird, and hell I'm glad I didn't trip or anything. Nothing special or anything, apart from taking photos in a hit and run style, though I doubt that is anything worth mentioning at all. Anyway, somehow, I seemed to carry an invisible sign or tag saying that I am a "photographer" or whatsoever. Somehow people kept coming to me and ask me for a click. First is this weird chinese couple in the museum of natural hist (weird because they spoke English when I definitely look like Chinese because I am one -_- duh) and their phone camera. Then after that there's these dudes in the capitol. One with a camera who didn't even bother to check, and another with a cellphone, a pretty old motorolla model. Then there's these dudes outside Lincoln Memorial, who wanted photos of the Washinton Memorial. Theres this couple who actually commented on the photo saying that it's something that "money cannot buy" when I walked away. That made my day, really, or maybe week.
But then I somehow was late for the coach and they almost got fined for it... almost.
Because I won't be bothered when I get back
It's 1230 in the morning here. I wanna sleep, but I know I won't write crap when I really do sleep, so I guess I'll just type a few words here, just to keep a piece of my mind floating in the cyberspace. Hmmm, 4th pitstop in Northern America, and that brings me to Toronto (reminds me of someone O.O). First, a big thankyou to Martin who said "What the f**k are you doing there?". "Not f**king". (duh) Anyway, yep, I'll keep it short for the sake of it.
Like what I've suspected, the most time I've spent on in this trip is "coaching" (not the handbag brand, the tourbus). I think I've spent more time in that darn coach than sleeping or anything else. Watched two movies in one single bus trip, and that went on for 2 days. And I managed to clear Paul Auster's Leviathan, a leftover book from last year's Lit and Art class. Glad I brought something to read, else it'll really be boring (dudes are sleeping, and they are sleeping more than me in the hotel, just like how my dad is snoring while I'm typing this little piece of junk). Yep, coach rides and on-bus movies are the best attraction, no doubt.
And have you ever seen a bunch of Chinese, walking in groups, taking a camera and clicking where ever they go? Too bad, I'm one of them. Look on the bright side though, I'm always the one behind the camera and never the focus of it. Not that I don't want to take a photo, but no one can take a proper photo here. I really can't bare looking at a piece of failed at, especially when I'm the subject (like hell anyone will look at it anyway =P). Oh well, I always go alone though, strayed off like a dog gone lose. I prefer to be alone, or at least with people that lives in the same orbit as me, and not a bunch of old farts (sorry, but that's true). But hey, it's not THAT bad, cause theres an auntie who commented on my photography and asked me to teach her how to take photos the way I do with a digital camera. Of course the photo I took is better, cause I always kneel down while I do. I mean, if a dude confesses to his girlfriend and asked her to marry him, do you think he'll do better kneeling down or standing? Get my drift? Good.
Well well well.... What kinda situation I have gotten my darn self into. I don't mind looking at new places. In fact, I like going overseas and stuff, but can I not do it in a tour? The amount of English I've spoken since I've landed is less than this paragraph itself (I'll try and end ASAP). It's not like I wanna make friends with stranger or whatsoever, but hey, I want to feel the city, the heartbeat of the metropolis, and not take pictures of churches-turned-attractions... and with a bunch of China dudes and their cameras...
I hope its true, my hope is not
Ok so the guy who said he hates travelling is finally in New York. Fine, I accept it. I was dragged here, against the will of my own being. Anyway, it looks like things isn't really happening according to whatsoever I have pictured in my mind.
First off, while boarding the bus to the Airport in HK, I dragged my luggage on board just to realized that the whole bus had their luggage lie flat on the racks and I had no room for mine. What to do? Leave it there? I tried, but the driver said it will roll over. I sweared. Oh well, finally i stacked it on top of someone's luggage. Screw them, its their own darn fault for all these crap.
Then its the flight, my first 15 hour long distance flight. Pretty okay, except for the fact that its freezing when they are going through Antarctica and that I was able to sleep for like half an hour. I rather stick at home.
Then comes the immigration checkpoints or whatsoeveryoucallit. The lady asked "What are you here for?" "travelling (duh?)" "How many days are you staying" "Somewhat 2 weeks? (depends on how u count it, lady)" Then she asked "How many people are with you?" "I'm on a tour and I'm not sure" "What? Bla bla bla .... " I tried to get the tour guide, but she said forget it. Hope her name is not Camille.
K, so we're out. New Jersey, Newark. I don't know about everything but it seems that New Jersey is populated by black, and I'm sure it not part of New York (the tour guide told us that, screw him). Then that tour guide dude took us to a mall or something. Great, finally can have a stroll. Well, it's not your typical shopping center in Hong Kong cause it seems like they selling nothing but clothes, and almost everything has the word "made in China" printed on it. God bless China~!
First meal in US ... Burger King! Want my comment? ---> You won't see me ever eating it again when I'm in my right mind! Ya, thats it. Ok, the drink is pretty alright and its free flow (nothing suprising here). I got a chicken sandwich. What should I say ... its the same size as those in Singapore and Hong Kong for the starters. The chicken is ... it taste like some kinda hard boiled pork or something that is tossed into the bbq pit for a while. Yep, thats basically the taste. Hard and burnt on the outside. tasteless on the inside. I gave up after eating half of it.
A piece of my mind
We can't think out of the box if we are living in one.
When the clock strikes twelve at noon, is it twelve hours after midnight, or twelve hours to midnight?
There's always something which Google cannot find, your door keys for instance.
Staring at the blank screen
My heart starts to wonder
Will I finish on time
Or will I just die
Then I wrote my first word
But it sounded stupid
I deleted it
And the screen went blank
And now I’m dead
And now I’m singing this little tune
Though there is a lot of work to do
I know, always, work is, delayed
Until the moment before I die
And now I’m singing this little tune
Even though for now my hands are full
Just why can’t I clear this pile of crap
Before it’s too late
But that is simply not the way of life
My tears dyed my face scarlet red
My tears dyed my face scarlet red
Knowing this, it is not so bad
At least I couldn't feel the pain
Though I bet, nothing is in vain
Have no sympathy, be no bane
As I was never an insane
But heed this, you simplistic fools
You are nothing but lumps of tools
The day I rein, the day my might
Will conquer you, your every rights
Will be the day, you step aside
To honor me and be my bride
You have been warned, you Earthly ones
My face is not the only one
Be it Crimson or Scarlet red
The colour, you fools, have been had
Now what...?
So, from these two little theory, considering that both theories are true and considering that knowledge is the opposite of ignorance and vice versa, what I can contemplate from these is that, in order not to suffer, we have to sin ourselves and attain knowledge. Hmmmm... not really something which teachers want you to learn, isn't it? I mean, choose between sinning and suffering... I think almost everyone will opt for sinning, right? Who on Earth want to be born to suffer from cradle to grave?
Anyway, I think I'll sit on the fence and let nature take its course. Whether I sin or suffer, so be it. I can't help it, right? Its more or less a lose-lose situation...
Oh and I think I need a new pair of slippers.
... when I know I need a pair of slippers, I'm sinning (my wallet) cause I'll have to go and buy a new pair, but I'll be happy cause I have a new pair of slippers. And if I don't, I'll suffer cause my slippers will fall apart and I'll have to walk bare footed (and maybe a nail will get stuck on my toe or something) ... Yea, some nice little theory there @@"
K, I don't know what to write... Don't care =P
I'll definitely write something much longer later.
Oh and somehow I like to hug my guitar. Don't know why, and don't ask.
看不懂或不想看中文的人 抱歉了 -.-
久違的中文網誌 =P
但突然覺得 我存在的"空間" 新的"空間"
可是 我還是比較喜歡以前的那一切
除了虛僞 我從他們身上真的什麽都看不到
帶著面具 很累
看著滿街的面具 更累
你們的規範 說真的 我不懂
我自己掉進什麽規範 隨便啦
你們的面具 我不會帶
你們的規範 我不會懂
你們的一切 還是你們的
Finally, some fresh air~
For a starter, I seriously believe that writing in general has got something to do with your attitude. Why am I saying that? I used to be capable of writing something like a thousand words (English) in an hour or less, but nowadays it takes like two to three, or sometimes even four or five. Why? Maybe I'm giving too much of a damn about all those crap that I'm writing. Maybe. Well, they are just some random babblings, right? So why bother so much about it? Get to your point, throw it all out, add a full stop, call it a day.
Had quite a few assignments that was due in the past month. Life was like... "what? there another deadline coming up?" And to further reduce the already lessened time, I've somehow managed to clear Assassin's creed II and Bioshock 2 in this duration. Yay, screw those homeworks~~ Blehx, I'm not in particular found of writing, mind you. I just like to express my ideas of certain topics which, at some point, I find interesting. Oh and mind you again, when I say 'interesting', I meant those that me, myself and I consider interesting. If its out of the category, its out, and don't cry over spilled milk... thanks =D.
There just a few things left. Two finals, (screw them, I hate studying to é core) and two papers (I think I've mentioned that I don't like anything that is older than the 19th century... and I haven't. I would have mentioned it after this sentence =D). I won't be giving too much of a thought about those, so I'm sitting here, supposedly should be studying, but I'm babbling my way through in this little blog of mine and, yea, gonna shoot some zombie heads later.
Don't ask, cuz thats how things work for me.
Days without interent...
Anyway, well, a few days off the line and I certainly did feel the significance of internet here. First of all, somehow I couldn't get anything work done, or rather I can't get myself to work. Maybe I'm too darn used to surfing the web, googling or wiki-ing stuff and writing those babblings at the same time. Well, maybe. But still, I guess thats the mode that I'm used to working with. Sitting here, looking at the comp, gold-mining using google. Mmmmm... thats how life works, I guess.
Another thing is that, well, somehow, without the internet, theres still hell lot of distractions here and there. I turned my attention onto my NDS. Ace Attorney is interesting =D Somehow, single player games are interesting as they are, and multiplayer ones are, somehow ... well, they have their charm, but their game mechanism isn't exactly all that rich in a few other aspects such as plot and etc etc etc. Multiplayer games are more action oriented, no doubt.
Speaking of single player games, why does Assassin's Creed II require an interent connection to play??? I mean, come on... It's only a single player game. Requiring an interent connection to play a single player game is ... dumb.
Windows start up music
Anyway, the instructor asked a peculiar question and the whole class went silent. I was switching my notebook then. After like 2 to 3 seconds of silence (tranquility to me), the Windows start up music of my notebook played... Of course, it broke the interrogating silence, and the whole class roared with laughter (though with some subtleness). Guess I screwed up again ... eh?
Oh well, at least I managed to broke the silence in a funny and acceptable way, though I'll rather I didn't.
Lost in translation
Anyway, heres what happened. Theres Chinese lesson, as usual. Our instructor asked us to translate some English brand names/slogans into Chinese. He split the class into 4 groups and asked for peer reviews after that. Well, the first one is this (Hong Kong IFC slogan) :
Be informed, be amazed, be shocked
Well, I personally don't like the 吧 too much cause it gives a strong hint of "mainland" feel, but still, it has the most positive votes for the peer reviewing so I guess its still a nice little translation =D. Anyway, the second one is an American cosmetic brand:
Urban Decay
Oh and why am I writing in different chucks, point X for intro and conclusion, and point Y for the middle portion... Thats so ... Achebe...........
You have some interesting points about Sontag’s thesis and you have clearly thoroughly examined Sontag’s book on photography. Grammar and sentence structure need a little more work. Good Work
改詞 - 還是剩我一個
看到工程系的戰友們都要畢業了 還是剩我一個 (說好的幸福呢)
我們不是説好的 一起畢業呢
可是爲何還剩我一個 繼續在熬呢
你們穿的畢業袍 還是橙色的
相機斷斷續續拍著照 留作紀念了
快離開了 走了 別回頭就是了
快走了 去了 要散了
一開始的數學科 我還得F兩遍呢
怎麼了 畢業了 還是剩 我一個
我懂了 defer了 夠遜了 活該了
那堆F過的科 一一細數著 我再retake
GPA零點九的那個成績 還呈現著呢
你們走吧 就丟下 我一個
我錯了 承認了 成績呢 泡湯了
只是那張成績單還得保留著 還能怎麽了
你們快要脫難了 我還熬著夜
還記得以前那些功課 還是抄的呢
懷念那些source吧 以後就沒了
而你們離開這鬼地方 這就解脫了
照片拍了 帥了 畢業袍也穿了
滿足了 爽了 那我呢
告別的這小玩兒 我嘗過好多遍呢
怎麼了 到頭來 還是剩 我一個
不捨得 捨不得 到最後 都散了
那熬過的日子 一一細數著 若再重演
那些無趣無聊又苦悶的課 我才不要呢
快點走吧 別對這 眷戀著
炒股的 教書的 什麽的 都好了
只是不要學我這樣還留在這 讀這些屁呢
怎麼了 三年了 還是剩 我一個
爛課本 八半課 那筆記 幾百頁 我快要挂了
別再等了 快一點 離開這
告別了 分道了 有緣的 再會了
只是那些一起頽廢過的日子 不會重演了
I'm starting to like it here~
Anyway, I woke up late today, as usual (... doesn't sound all that great to admit this little habit that everyone has) and I have to reach sch within 30 minutes (which is literally impossible if i took the normal routine, which is train). So I took a cab. Well, IF everything went according to plan, I would have reached sch in time. But, nah. Somehow the cab driver missed the junction which leads to my sch (and there's only 1 along the highway). So what happened was, he have to drive for 5 whole minutes to the next junction, make a U turn at a possible spot, and then drive backwards, to my sch. Yea, that took an extra 10 minute plus, but thats not what's important.
The thing I want to stress is that, the cab driver stopped the meter after he missed the junction. I don't know if he thinks I know the way or not (well, I do of course, since I've been studying here for two and a half years) but what is important is that he doesn't want me to think that hes delibertly taking a detour or something. He apologized for the detour, and charged me at the rate where he stopped the meter. Well, I don't know what you all think, but I do have nothing but respect for his righteousness. I mean, its nothing important. The cab driver didn't have to tell me that he missed the junction. He can still charge me extra. I mean, who cares? It would definitely have been that way if I'm in Singapore. But, nah. He choose the way he think hes right. Guess I don't have to elaborate anymore, eh? =D
Oh well, I was late for the tutorial (as usual, I guess), but only half the class showed up so I guess its fine. Oh and I wasn't anything near agitated when the cab driver missed the junction. I mean, he doesn't charge me extra, so why should I complain?
And then when I reach home, I found a letter from some company - Octopus (for those of you who're in S'pore, an EZ-Link counterpart). Inside the letter was a little check of $5 HKD (a little less than $1 SGD). What happened was that, it's some money that got "eaten" by some vending machine (most likely in sch), the type when u paid but nothing come out. The funny thing is, it's only 5 bucks -.-, and if I am not mistaken, the mailing cost is around HKD$3.4. So that means that the company paid an extra $3.4 just to get $5 to me, which accounts for a bit less than 60% of total. Erm... I don't know what you guys think of this, but what I think is... is it necessary? I mean, of course, the company has my sincerest gratitude (man... I sound hella formal here O.o) but then and again, I've always been buying stuff from vending machines and there are many occasions when they machine "ate" my coin and stuff. I'll just frown on my luck and forgets about it. Nothing special, nothing significant, but I'm sure of one thing. I won't cash in the check. You know why? 'Cause its worth more than $5, much much more~
Come to think of it, they are always frowning upon the society, how crappy everything is, how a civilization is not civil and stuff. Screw that. There are people outside who are more moral, more ethical, more civil than you think. Don't get yourself glued to ur computer monitor or newspaper, but get yourself outdoor and see things for yourself. The world isn't corrupted, it's not apocalyptic, its just the minds of those miserable and pathetic university geeks who have their heads stuck to a textbook. Screw education, and get a life. The world deserves more than some pessimism from dudes who only knows how to read and calls everything apocalyptic.

Hey erm...
Oh and why is my grammar getting from bad to worse? -.- I kept spotting grammatical mistakes and even extra words... Blehx, guess I've been reading too much. Schoolings do drive nut-head nuts...
No racism, but textbook teaches otherwise
Then there's the names that the prof want us to remember. Well, seriously, when you try to pronounce such names, either you're a native or your English literally sucks if you are capable of pronouncing them correctly. Trust me, it's worse that all those funny languages that exists combined. The likeness-o-meter goes down here a bit, too. Just a bit.
Then there comes the language. Funny phrasings, fine. Native languages, fine. But... some of them are not English!!! I won't be studying English if I am interested in anything that is NOT English, eh? As if I understand native African ... makes no sense... Likeness-o-meter got lowered again.
And theres the French movie. Yea... FRENCH. Well, I have got nothing against french as long as theres the subtitles, but theres this potato head that is so freaking tall and big (head) and he sits in front and the subtitles are at the bottom of the screen. Cool. I would have shot it if I had a gun (a little glock will do) in my hands -.- Oh and did I say that the story ends with 3 dudes peeing in the rain along a grass patch? Nice ending, eh? No one normally ends a day pissing in public.
Oh well, everything sounds fine, eh? Well, I won't say anymore but... yea... you get the picture...
Reading list
- "On Photography" - Susan Sontag
- "Girl with a Pearl Earring"" - Tracy Chevalier
- "Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad
- "Utopia" - Thomas More
- "Girls at Wars and Other Stories" - Chinua Achebe
- "To Kill a Mockingbird" - Vintage Lee
... hell... what got me into this???!!!
Nothing much. Walked down the street and the whole darn world is on holiday. And theres this drizzle... It suddenly feels like an apocalypse or post-apocalytia (Fallout 3 style). Lets not use the word "apocalypse" for CNY though, but the street is, for sure, filled with a certain creeping blight that seems to kept it empty.
Went to a few temples to say my prayers with my dad. If my memory is not mistaken, I haven't been to a temple on the first day of CNY, mostly because it's hell crowded. Yea, they still are. The amount of people cause one to feel the effect of growing population. Not to forget, there are joss-sticks and incenses everywhere, and you need to dutch those falling sparks, or else you can say bye bye to your clothes.
My dad got me one of those "divine labels" (i dont know how to translate it properly, so lets keep it that way) and its supposed to write your future or some sort (words of advice, I'll say) on it. Whether it works or not, its up to you. But then and again, its free, so why not? I won't say what's on mine (secret =D), but its not bad =)
Yep, nothing much of a new year. I don't really care about red packets... maybe I've grown out of them. Anyway, just hope that I can sleep more in this little escape from the morose little semester.

To do list
-Readings x N (a few novels + a few stacks of photo copied crap)
-One essay on literature and art
-One stupid journal entry
-One fill in the blanks worksheet
Sch stuff
-souvenirs (concept + design?)
Domestic stuff
-pack my room (its in a mess...)
-Game, and some other practices
-Do more exercises man... getting more "pooi"
Not much of a holiday... eh?
Erm... what should I call this?



Vista Antivirus Pro 2010
Anyway, here's a little something that I've found while googling this little antivirus or so-called. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/combofix/how-to-use-combofix
It's a useful cleaning program. Try it if somehow u got that retarded "Vista antivirus pro 2010".
Anyway, these are the explanations which I gave for the logo.
When it comes to logo designing, there are plenty of ways to create the symbolic image that one wants. The most conventional way is to design a simple picture or diagram that represents whatsoever it should, and then have the name of what it represents written somewhere near the picture (and maybe including a tagline of some sort). Another way is to simply write out the name in an artistic, special or weird font. Such designs should be consisted of 5 colors or less. Well… that is the conventional way…
For our ‘Shawprano’ logo, I did not follow such rules which many MMCs have used for their logos. One thing is that this logo will only appear for a few times, so who cares if its simple or distinctive in whatsoever sense? Another thing is that this logo might be used for t-shirt designs or something in the future, and so the more it should be complicated and expressive.
Theme-Ice/Crystal fragments
-Curved lines
Techniques-Thick lines are used to segregate the main structure of the logo (such as word formations and backbones) from simple fragments.
-Color fills and toning are done at the spot between two intersecting lines so that a crystalline effect of some sort can be achieved.
-Lines do not bend, but rather curves and intersects
-Two layered toning and coloring are used to enhance the tone range
… that’s about it…
Symbolisms-The ice fragments represent harmony. The many different crystalline fragments defines the different attributes that we all have, such as backgrounds, physiques … … etc.
-The lines represent the complex and all rounded ways used when dealing with related matters.
-The lines that stuck out represent how protrudent the society aims to be.
… more to be added …
唔睇就最好 =D
幾日後 佢飛走既時候
除咗 "甩難了" 我腦裏面咩都諗唔出
佢大過我七年有多 係異性 (大佬們... 唔好諗太多)
至於點認識 其實係打機時認識既 (我有N個網友 - 正常果只)
其實講真 呢次之前佢畀我既印象已經好差
成日嫌呢嫌嚕 又成日話全世界都針對佢
大佬... 関我屁事吖?
既然依傢放假 你話想黎 咪陪你幾日囖
第一日 佢話佢點半機
等到兩點半 放棄
然後三點 我開始燥低 (過幾日先發覺我燥低得太快了 因爲仲有大把機會)
再等... 冇意義喇
好喇 到到三點三 坐緊車
... 好野 你贏 ... ...
到到迪士尼 已經係唔點半了
冇所謂喇 可能之前溝通得唔好
好喇 到到第二日
我九點兩個字到到約好咗既地鐵站 (唔係常去 所以我唔熟 遲咗)
一開始我都戇戇地咁以爲自己遲咗 會唔好意思
話自己電話冇電 唔記得叉電
冇野講 ...
係度白等咗成粒鐘 而且仲係地鐵站
條友又冇用得既手機 所以我又行唔得開
唔可以去商場行下或餐廳坐下 (當時未食早餐... 而且天氣鬼死咁凍)
好喇... 既然條友話出緊黎 咁唯一可以做既係...
算 我唔同你計較
至於剩餘既時間 大致上都算得上係和平
呢次我冇咁蠢 再約時間了
我叫佢出門時打黎一次 到地鐵站時再打黎一次
九點八打黎 我十點出門 佢十點二再打黎 我十點四到
要佢等十分八分 縂好過我等成粒鐘
好喇 換酒店 去廟拜拜
到到新既酒店 放低行李 搞下呢搞下嚕 兩點半出發
第一站 女人街
去到女人街 行咗大概半個鐘 我同佢講話轉頭再返黎買野
不過一出到去就問我 我係唔係搵緊地鐵站
咁我就話我諗住行去 順路可以睇多啲野
佢就話 搭車去第二個景點 唔好曬佢時間...
...我已經浪費咗幾多時間係 "等" 上面了... ...
算 唔同你計...
搭地鐵 條友開始畀面色我睇 ...
到到尖沙嘴站 我就開始番我"導遊"既呢份工作
一出崇光 (去海旁嘛~)
我就開始介紹 然後問條友去唔去
佢便回答 你帶我黎呢度就係爲咗呢個?!
... -.- ...
然後再過多幾步 到到海旁
好喇 再做番我既 "導遊" 工作
佢今次就話 "你咁早帶我黎做咩吖 都未天黑 我寧可去買野"
... -.- ...
... 帶你周圍走 係你叫既 ... 咁勁就自己一人行喇 -.-
好喇 我都開始起火 既然佢以爲我趕鴨仔搵佢苯 咁我就黎真蹬佢波鐘囖
我就同佢講 我依傢帶你黎 係想你日抖同夜晚既景都睇到 因爲等陣我地會坐渡輪來回睇景
然後再帶佢去星光大道 再蹬多啲波鐘 (反正唔使入場費)
好喇 佢心情好返啲 我都易做啲
跟著天黑了 去食飯
大佬... 肚痛咪屙屎囖
... 大佬 玩野吖? ...
ok 終于畀我説服佢去公園既廁所
出黎 諗住好地地去食碗雲吞面
一去到 我就問佢要唔要試下魚蛋
點解? 因爲如果魚蛋臭 佢會成碗唔食
大佬... 呢度係香港吖...
好喇 叫咗野喇
我好心問佢 好返啲未 佢一句就剷過黎 邊有人屙一次就好架
我就話 我係咁
佢就再剷多一句 個個人體質唔同
好囖 我唔出聲囖 多講多錯 少講少錯 唔講唔錯
食完 睇黎條友好似覺得雲吞面唔錯
因爲心情好番 (我未)
算 你唔好發脾氣就好了
好喇 再去返女人街
行咗幾行 買咗少少野
大佬... 如果新加坡有而香港又有 你買黎做乜呢...
算 我唔同你計
好喇 返酒店喇
問佢幾點 佢就話應該係我決定至啱
... 第二日你好似遲到遲咗三個鐘喔...
然後佢就又開始埋怨話 一日都係我搞到佢買唔到老婆餅
.... -.- ....
ok 咁就九點囖
我就講話我可能會遲到 因爲酒店比較偏僻 (大角嘴)
佢就大聲話 唔緊要 佢九點就會咗係度等我
如果早知佢咁講 我就同佢賭一分鐘一百蚊...
好喇 閃人
無所謂 你黎香港 我係有責任招呼你
但係十二點 要去邊度搵老婆餅吖 大佬...
好彩我住佐敦 因爲廟街附近有間餅屋未關
雖然得兩個老婆餅 不過算喇
好喇 條友應該訓夠喇
因爲如果賭一百蚊一分鐘 我應該可以賺到三千蚊
因爲佢開始講扮好人 好似尋日冇嬲過咁
直到我同自己大聲講 "甩難了"!
講真 收到呢份手信 真係唔知笑好定喊好...
做朋友的 也只想你玩得開心點
要我白等五六個小時 我無所謂
要我這幾天花千多塊 我無所謂
要我每天睡三個小時 我無所謂
要當我的話是耳邊風 我無所謂
要我淩晨去找老婆餅 我真的無所謂
可是要是你發我脾氣 我就真的受不了了
回去後 你所道的謝 你所讚的美
別以爲我稱你一聲姐 你就可以爲所欲爲
以後別找我 跟我講話 或寄信給我