
Vista Antivirus Pro 2010

When I switched on my comp today, theres something extra (or rather, many extras) that popped out. Well, somehow, a program called "Vista Antivirus Pro 2010" has found its way to my comp. It does nothing but telling you that your comp is infected with this and that. I wont want to say it but I have ran a few adaware scans before hand and it is not really possible for my comp to have THAT many viruses (a few hundreds it says ...) when adaware says 0. Anyway, I clicked "delete infected files". It prompted for license... wth?! So it's asking me to pay, eh.... Guess Microsoft learnt something from google ad =.= I then googling our little antivirus friend here. Guess what? It says firefox is a high risk item. IE then ... another high risk item. Well, somehow I managed to get into firefox after a few task manager shutdowns. Googled the programme, and found that the first page consists of only instructions on how to remove it. Hell fishy, eh?

Anyway, here's a little something that I've found while googling this little antivirus or so-called. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/combofix/how-to-use-combofix

It's a useful cleaning program. Try it if somehow u got that retarded "Vista antivirus pro 2010".
