
Can't I slack for a bit longer?

So there's the end of the last (maybe) summer holiday for me. Nothing much extraordinary or particularly interesting happened that I didn't wrote here, per se , but I'd still prefer it to be less hectic if possible. Wouldn't it be just great to wake up every morning, switch on my comp, have a few quick chat with friends and then enter the gaming lala land till dusk came and say hi? Certainly, that's the kind of holiday I'm longing for (and the kind that my dad dreads =P), but really, four months of getting wasted sounds a bit too, drastic, isn't it?

Still, school sounds like such a surrealistic concept. Somehow, ever since I've entered this little university of mine, the whole concept of discipline, micro-society and stuff seems to have fallen apart. What school meant was that teacher's words are absolute, and following their orders are like following your beloved sergeant at boot camp - do or die. But then, I've realized soon enough that such concept are kind of absurd. Teaching is merely a job, and teachers aren't saint who makes mistakes. Rather, teachers make so darn many mistakes that you won't be bothered to count. And students are merely clients of the facility, who paid for the whole "service". And then there's this concept of homework, tests and stuff. I've learned it in the past that whatever is printed in your final script counts, and whatever isn't doesn't. But this little concept has taken a new meaning when I'm in this school of mine. Even your little certificate is nothing but a piece of worthless paper. You don't have to wear it everyday, and nobody really cares what grade you got, because your currently identity is much more of a proof of your current ability. Of course, people too will recognize your capabilities that you are able to display, so what does a certificate proof that your ability doesn't? Well, I certainly won't continue on that =P.

Anyway, I sure do want to slack a bit more. Somehow all the lessons in school are identical. Go there, sit for a while, listen to some crap, talk some crap and call it a day. If you're talking about stress, there's really none provided that you don't look at your result slip at the end of the semester. Of course, I don't =D. Still, I wondered how much I've learned since I came here? It seems like my skills have declined pretty much (maths and all) when compared to high school days, but I think I'm still pretty much fulfilling my own resolution on coming here - to brush up my engrash skills. Yep, noting more, nothing less.

So the semester commences, so much for that. Oh and to the one who's leaving this lonely little isle of Hong Kong, bon voyage. Have fun in Mars~ (I hope that you can read it, though I doubt you've ever came here =P)
