
Sticky hand

Anyone remember playing those little sticky hands which you will get form those gatchapon (扭蛋) machines? (those Japanese toy selling machines where u insert a coin and turn the leaver and a small plastic egg containing a toy drops out ... get the idea?) I've fond a few small "eggs" containing these sticky hand. Reminds me of those primary school days where people will go and buy/bring their own sticky hands and play in school, hitting people, objects, papers, tables and anything which comes in the way and not in the sight of a teacher. There are some dudes who sells them for profits too (but it's just 2 buck HKD =.=). I think the first version is a frog's tongue, and it later evolved to sticky hands, and then a lot of shapes came along, such as hammer, morning stars, human tongue etc etc etc. Pretty fun, but it gets dirty real fast and you need to get a new one cause it's sticky and dirts and dusts gets stuck onto it easily. Well's heres a picture.

Alright, time to hit the sack~!
