
Coconut craze

What is Singapore famous for? Human resource? Airport? Clean and Green city? PAP? No press freedom? Well, how about products? Kaya? Laksa? Satay? Pineapple and related products? Tin and Rubber (that's malaysia)? Durian and related products? Well, it's only now that I know that Singapore produces coconuts sweets. But seriously, I've always thought that Singapore makes only durian cakes ...

Anyway, my dad got into this habit of eating sweets, and he went and bought a lot of those mixed sweets from those stores which sells dried goods. Among the mix of sweets, there are 大白兔 (china made milk candies), some unknown brand milk candies, some unknown brand toffi/coffee candies, some unknown brand fruit candies (it says Superior sweets but what the heck is that, I don't know) and a bunch of coconut sweets. Anyway, to my surprise, the coconut sweets are manufactured in two similar cities, namely Singapore and Hong Kong. Well, those sweets which came from Singapore are in white (with red words), blue and red wrappers (with white words) where as those from Hong Kong are white with red/green words. Well, I guess I'll save the explanation to the pictures.

Singapore made coconut sweet (red wrapper) with Chinese words

English words

White version of Singapore coconut sweet

Wondered what is written on the wrapper?

the actual sweet (singapore version) ... some how it looks like a piece of feces...

The Hong Kong version of Coconut sweet

Looks more pleasing than the Singapore one if you as me.

Ok that's the pictures of the sweets I am talking about. Anyone where they are made in? From the look of the wrapper, Singapore should have started producing coconut sweets some decades ago because the words on the wrappers are still written in traditional chinese instead of simplified. Also. the picture printed on the wrapper looks like those from the 1950's - 70's. Hmm ... anyone know when did the Singaporean government switched traditional chinese to the simplified ones? Maybe we will get to know the date which this candy was made popular (if it did ever) and are the major consumer of such. Another thing about the wrapper is that the chinese translated name of Singapore is 星加坡 instead of 新加坡. Well, actually many people used the incorrect translation even in the 1990's so there's not much surprise in the misuse. Oh and the candy has the 養顔 effect? Which is ... erm ... rejuvenating? Holy ... ... ... seriously, people believe in all sorts of rubbish, don't they? I hope that these kind of slogan won't work in the current society, cause it's just way too ridiculous. One last thing. The Hong Kong made coconut sweets taste better than the Singapore made ones. Firstly, its more sugary. Moreover, there are air bubbles in the Singapore made candies, which caused an rough and uneven texture, even though both sweets (HK and SG ones) contains small coconut bits for which the texture is uneven to begin with. Lastly, there's this kind of weird taste which does belongs to neigther coconut nor sugar, and I simply don't like it. So basically I'll try not to eat any of those Singapore made coconut candies if I can, =P.

Oh and I haven't post anything regarding games yet, right? I'll find time to do so in the near future.
