
Last lab?

One of the most tedious thing which I can never stand regarding electronic engineering is the lab period. 4 darn hours sitting in the lab figuring what on Earth are those bunch of crap doing in front of you. If it's chemistry or DnT (wood & metal work), I'd be down right happy, man ... too bad it isn't...

Well, end of suffering! The so-called last lab lesson was today and its over~~~!!! No more doing pre-labs (we had to use words to make our own lab sheets ... god damn it ...) No more staring at the CRO (some crappy oscilloscope, but it's kinda sophisticated O.o) and not knowing what the yellow or green graph is about. But that doesn't means no more wire connecting, no more looking at diagrams and no more electronic shit. Why? Because the stupid professor and lab-techs have given us each a take-home project to do! yucks! Would be great if it was a cooking lesson...

Well, I am too darn lazy to talk about what the project is so maybe u can see it for yourself:

Some crappy breadboard

The chip which the lab-techs are proud to know about ... geez, it's damn lame man...

A second-hand breadboard where the electronic components have seen better times

The back of the 2nd hand breadboard. If it was hell, then what is this? Mountain of knives?

The only tool given. To connect wires, cut wires and loosen wires ... insanity.

Close up.

Nothing to do with EE, but arn't you sick of looking at those freakish bread-boards? Dug this up somewhere. Quite a cute toy, huh?
