
Singapore governance is ... dictatorial? liberal? no ... it's Simcity style!

Another post on Singapore. Well, this time, I will be touching on a particular leader, founder, father, constructor, engineer ... the all time famous/(infamous) Lee Kwan Yew (I can hear people coughing by now ... please don't throw any rotten tomato or eggs at me, thanks!). But seriously, don't you think that the way LKY governs Singapore is quite similar to playing Simcity?

To begin with, let me share something which I did (or was forced to do) a few weeks ago during one of my Making of Modern Singapore lessons. The instructor showed a video on Lee Kwan Yew (mostly referred to LKY): Success stories - Lee Kwan Yew.

Seriously, this isn't much of a film. It's more like an interview between the press and Lee, and I am glad to say that, because this documentary was filmed by a Hong Kong press (RTHK), the video is rather unbiased, and you won't only see LKY's point of view, but also others such as Tang Liang Hong, someone who have been charged (by LKY of course~!) and exiled from Singapore and is a former opposition party member (Worker's party). However, even though many portions of the film is arguable, one fact is certain, and that is that LKY simply suck in the Chinese language, perhaps it's because that he is a peranakan, but that may be one of the reason why he chose English as the official language of Singapore (together with Malay as the national language but I doubt many Singaporeans is Malay literate, of course not counting the Malays).

Alright, I will try my very best to split everything that I've got to say in two parts, mainly post war and post separation. For post war, which is the period after WWII till the separation of Singapore and Malaysia, I will briefly touch on LKY's role in the merger and separation, his stand in politics and things like that(why am I sounded as if I am writing an essay on LKY?!). As for the Independence era, well, I think that if you happened to have lived in Singapore for quite some time, I don't really have to elaborate much on this issue.

First up, post WWII period. I guess everyone knows the educational background of Lee, right? Cambridge graduate in Law with A*... geez, he was already that hostile towards his opponents (so-called) during his student days, so calculating and the sort (my perception). Anyway, he came back to Singapore, formed the People's Action Party (PAP), made used of the communist, achieved what he wanted, kicked the left wing people into the prison, and LKY rose to power (I wonder why the PRC didn't send a team of assassin to aid the communist ... oh well, maybe Mao couldn't care less about this minute island of Singapore). Anyway, there's nothing interesting to mention about during LKY's rise to power, except maybe for the part where LKY shouted cowards during one of his rallies and you see some people in the background switching off their room lights, where LKY say that they are the communist people but who really knows? Anyway, LKY became the prime minster of Singapore with ease with the merger of Malaya and Singapore (together with Sabah and Sarawak). So be it. It was always LKY's political dream and he always sees that the merger of these states the only way out for Singapore to survive without the British. LKY was obviously sick of colonial power (be it Japan or Britain), and hope that Singapore gain Independence as soon as possible at that point in time. However, little did LKY know that Singapore and Malaysia will be divorced after two short years of marriage. It is one of LKY's major failure in his political career, and the most serious one. However, shouldn't LKY see that coming? I mean, since LKY loathed foreign governance so much, why did he still seek the merger with Malaya? Aren't you still depending on Malaysia when the merger occurs? What's the difference? Well, there are already signs of displease by the Malaya government before the merger, such as the addition of Sabah and Sarawak so as to boost the population of Malays as Malaysians (well, according to some Social studies/History textbooks in Singapore). Couldn't LKY foresee that a lot of disagreements will come together with the merger? Come to think of that, isn't this a bit like Hitler's invasion on Russia even though Napoleon have already failed to do so (and obviously it's not a good idea)?

However, there seemed no end to LKY's political career. After tears rolling down and trying to prove that he himself is wrong in the merger stuff, LKY had always been at the top of Singaporean politics. One thing is for sure though, LKY planned everything with "for the good of Singapore" in mind. He managed the country like how we would have done so in Simcity. Like what LKY had said in his visit to CUHK that he wasn't there for you to judge whether he a suitable ruler of Singapore or not, nor his methods used in politics. Well, I think I should give LKY credits in this dictatorial style of governance. If not for his rule of iron fist, I believe that Singapore will not be as prosperous as it is today, especially in an early stage. Like a father catering to his son, LKY had planned each step for Singapore and set everything on track. However, come to think of that, isn't it time for Singapore to mature and walk out of this parental state? I mean, it's been 40 odd years since Independence, so shouldn't LKY step down and let the country walk the path that she wants to walk? Let's not talk about the control of media, the unjustified treatment of the opposition and the displease of the masses towards the government. But naturally, I think that LKY should really stop clinching on to the political power he owns. From prime minister to senior minister and now minister mentor (how I wish we can eat him up like a mentos...). Come on, LKY, your era is over!

The above really sums up what I have to comment on LKY for his rule in Singapore. However, there are other issues which I would like to comment on. One of which is that I find that LKY's method of doing things are quite contradictory. LKY emphasised on the importance of social and racial cohesion, and that everyone is equal and everyone speaks the same language ... ... ... you know, those brain washing and propaganda stuffs. However, in the video, LKY have also said that there are certain groups (racial ones, and whether did he clearly states that or not, I can't remember) are not performing as good as others academically and that he is only able to help them to improve like 20% and they are on their own for the rest of the stuff. Blehz ... contradictory to what he says, right? There's something even more ridiculous. LKY had the idea that intelligence is partly from nature (sorry mensa, a bit off from the society's rule), and so he urged all university graduates should marry and give birth... seriously, what the heck? So are you saying that if my parents are from the lower class and if they are school drop outs, I will be a dumb mutt who can't even write ABC? (ok, a bit extreme here, but u get my meaning) Man... the idea is just so ... idiotic.

Ok, enough of LKY. For the sake of Singapore or not, LKY has been using a "Simcity" style of governing. Be it effective or not, I still think that this kind of governing style should cease being exist. For this metter, whether LKY is a hero or a jerk, it's up to you to decide.

Hmm...having written all these, I feel that switching to the faculty of Social Science is quite a good option for me, true? At least, I feel that I have it in my blood.

(no racist or discriminating comments, please. be civilized)
