
Mobile blog

It's only now that I've realized that I can surf the web using my handphone. Well, it is definitely a lot slower when compared to the comp and all, some sites and picture has also failed to load, such as facebook and the comic scripts on onemanga, and typing is a lot more troublesome (the keys are soooooo small ... But hey, won't you agree that this is much more convenient? I can even upload my assignments or download them at my own convenience and without switching on my comp and all~ Anyway, my computer's mouse has gone problematic again... Seriously, anyone knows how to fix the god forsaken mouse?! Its getting to my nerves man ...

Oh and for those of you who aren't in hongkong, it's typhoon signal 3 outside. But with all the rain outside, it looked as if it is signal 80 or something close to it. Alright, I'll end it here this time. My thumb hurts...

Great... now the black rainstorm warning signal is up ... 19:19 19/4/2008
