
Mensa AGM (annual general meeting)

Today is Hong Kong mensa's annual general meeting. Nothing much happened there. Trivial matters such as finance status (wow, HKmensa has around 300k HKD in their bank account), words of thanks, next year's mensa committee's membership (the dudes who bosses around), and some close-to-everyday discussions are being explained and discussed. I've sat through the whole of the meeting without saying a word (I still feel alienated in mensa) except for the last discussion for which I will elaborate slightly later. Alright, the membership card!


Not really much of a card right? Doesn't really have much use of this card except for the proof of your mensan status. I thought for quite some time that they will send the membership card to me by mail, which they've stated in the membership application form (under the address section). Well, it's our duty to ensure that the mail containing our membership card arrives, right? And if they had the intention to issue the card in the meeting, why put such a misleading statement on the form? Worse still, the people in the meeting are complaining about why we are asking for our membership cards and all =.=... Oh well, the only word which I've said in the meeting is that the membership card issuing proceedures are far too misleading. After the meeting, they went for the dinner, and I went home. Well, would have gone to the dinner if I had known more people... guess it's time to mix around and talk more rot on their forum~ Oh and I've heard that the membership card is different each year. Wonder what design it is next year? Hope that they have some kind of card designing competition and stuff, would be cool~
