
Progress check 4th

Seriously, Yellow looks more like orange if you ask me....


Progress check 3rd

Been slacking for the day. Thumb and index finger's hyper pain. Guess I'll rest for the rest of the day (gosh, its 2 am!) and continue tomorrow =P And I didn't know there is so much work to do for gluing those panels onto the base all at once T_T... and touch up with additional paint and wiping away the extra paint using thinner and .... .... ... blehx...


Progress check 2nd


Progress check


Smaller or larger? It depends, but definitely cheaper~!

Remember how one 1GB memory stick used to cost 40 to 50 SGD? And remember how a 2GB memory card (SD/mini SD/micro SD) used to cost over a hundred SGD? Well, time really flies and the amount which memory sticks and memory cards cost really dropped like mad. I've got this 8GB memory stick for 84 HKD and 160 for a 8GB micro SDHC plus a miniature micro SD card reader. The size of the memory stick is also super small, in the sense that it the size of the miniature card reader, though twice as thick cause of the casing. Anyway, I guess our world is getting smaller and larger at the same time, with physical size for the former and digital size for the latter... and its a lot cheaper =D
(5.2 HKD = 1 SGD approximately)


Work commences now~

Remember the little maze cube I made some time back? Well, I'm making another one of those, similar in most ways except for different mazes. Will be posting pictures here so stay tuned if you are interested (guess you are not...)


Something random

Just saw some advertisment on Facebook...

7 days until Christmas. Thinking of someone? Send them a Christmas present
to let them know you are thinking of them.

It's 7 more days till christmas, AND I AM BLOODY HELL STILL STUDYING FOR 2 MORE PAPERS!!!! WHAT THE HECK?!.... Life sucks .... Oh and one more thing... peepz, if you happened to visit, please TAG! The counter has been ticking but no one is ever tagging ... T_T


Got you!

You'll normally give in when someone says "got you" or something... but a stuffed smiley? ... and a foreign one?

Lets put it this way:
- Smiley pushie - $x
- Trip to courier office - $y
- Mailing fee - $z
- Woken up by a ringing doorbell, being handed one huge box by the mailman and finding a smiley pushie that has gotten you - priceless

Thx alot doreen jie, and I'll make sure I'll send something as "specticular" as this, or even more =D



Let's do a little recap on the amount of words written in this semester for reports alone:

UGC201Y - 2 thousand odd
ENG2370 - 4 thousand odd in a total of 2 papers + 1 thousand for presentation script
ERG3810 - 6 thousand odd in total, inclusive of final report and progress report
ELE2510 - not counted cause 90% of the report isnt written by me
The rest, not counted

Total amount of words written in this semester - 13 thousand plus (if you include all those citations and bits and pieces, its around 14 to 15 thousand plus =P)

Well, isn't doing some re-cap great? I mean, who would have known that they have written more than 10 thousand words in just one semester?


Internal clock screwed

ZZZzzz... What the heck is wrong?! I've been sleeping during the day and being awake during the night for all these while... at least a week or so... Is this some kind of exam habit? Well, I am used to sleeping late, but now I am sleeping at somewhat noon, and waking up during twilight... Oh well, guess I've contacted something like "light phobia" or similar? Well, I don't really know, but I guess I need to put on some weight in my mental tolerance, while trying to finish this god damn report here ... geez...


AO GP = O English

Sick of studying, so I guess I'll write something more... unusual, here.

10 Reasons why AO General Paper is O level English counter part

1 - There's no English Language (apart from Eng lit which doesnt counts) for A leve, so theres got to be a subject in its place, and thats your General Paper.

2 - The subject is taught by the department of English

3 - The exam format is much similar when compared to O level English language, just that there's the Oral portion missing, you have a lot more essay titles to choose from which really confuses you and that you have to write one ridiculous essay (not summary) for compre.

4 - 35% of your grade accounts for language use (in english, duh)

5 - most of your GP tutors have a degree in English

6 - General Paper is an AO subject, just like Chinese, which gives it a "compulsory language subject" feel

7 - You get scolded by your tutor for not knowing what some super complex words means, but not during chemistry, biology, history or even eng lit

8 - Your are required (at least in school) to follow some marking schemes for your essay, and there are model essays which you are never interested in, just like O level english

9 - Most of your GP tutors taught O level english in a secondary school, if they have ever been to one to teach

10 - Do you seriously think that the ministery of education will free us from the burdern of studying English? HELL NO




Anyone had the experience of taking up a stack of notes, start reading and after somewhat half an hour you realise that nothing has gotten into your mind? Well, that's what's happening current and like hell I'll give a damn about it =/ Blehx, time to continue to cram all these crap and hope that my brain won't go blank tomorrow



THIS is the 100th post, and the previous one was only the 99th... Oh well, doesn't matter. =P

100th Post

100th Post~
Nothing worth celebrating, really, but just to keep track of what I have done and what I plan to do, and perhaps a little sentimental log?

Screw the finals man~ Hated maths, hated anything mechanical. Why force yourself to something you've dreaded all along? Just let it come and go naturally. Oh well, not that I am not gonna study for it, but then and again, liked what I've said, engineering suck~

-Lit Paper
Gah, ONE DAY LEFT and I haven't even written half of it~~~ Gosh, why am I stuck in this kind of catastrophe like situation?! I've read all those books I needed, all the references, all the materials, and yet, and YET, nothing is popping out in my mind~~~ I need a serious cum urgent brain check... Noooooo, not now~~~ I'd rather sacrifise the time spent on studying my finals than to give up on my paper.......

-Model making
Well, I've got something cooking up there~~~ Planned most of the things I need to sort of, erm, upgrade or modify my current little maze. Hope that people will like it when I upload new pictures in a few months' time (and hope that I remember). But that means that I'll have to rework on the folio. Oh well, it's worth, and I can have more time on brainstorming (come to think of it, I've only spent 3 days on brainstorming this cube plus material gathering, kinda short if you ask me)

-The rest




In the midst of writing my paper for an English literature module, I am kind of surprised that I am capable of finding time to write this blog entery. Oh well, guess this only proofs that I am distracted easily and I don't concentrate on my work... Nonetheless, I still feel that, well, writing paper is hell lot more fun when compared to all those calculations and mathematical and physics stuff which I always dreads and which I am always given without any mercy... ~>.<~ Anyway, there's just a few pondering questions which I feel, well, kind of weird. First of all, why are most writer, like Franz Kafka which I am writing about currently, rise in terms of fame only after his death? I mean, there are numerous of critics around trying to decipher his works and all, and yet no one gives much of a, pardon me for being rude (though I always am), damn about him while he writes his masterpieces? I mean, this is really not rational, to the sense of contradictory and ironic, though that's the fact of most writer. Living a humble little life, writing and nothing else. Why bother writing critics about all these writers when you can simply ask them what the heck they wrote when they are alive... Seriously, this is a waste of effort, and it only shows that human sucks when it comes to foresight... Blehx, not my problem~
Another thing is that, well, why are arts module so strict on citations ... T_T It takes HELL long just to read up on one issue or another. Man, been doing nothing but reading critics for the pass few days, and I am like only half done... Pathetic man ... And the tutor said that we should cite around 5 critics, whereas the professor, though said that we should cite around 2, condemned the usage of wikipedia... No one can help it... I mean, they are even using wikipedia to teach us!!! The teaching staff should set a better example if they don't want us to use wiki... Oh well, I am not using wiki, though some of my references do come from the web. Oh and I've also found something interesting about Google Book (THANKS Charissa, though I doubt you've ever visited my blog anyway) is that all i need to do is to borrow the book from the library, key in the book title on Google Book (its 101% certain that they have the book in Google Book) and just search for the 'issues' which you are looking for~~~ Plain, simple and effective. No more sleepless nights (cause I prefer to sleep during day time) of cramming books and not knowing when the keywords you are looking for will appear. =D
One last thing. I've realised that both my English and Chinese skills are de-proving at a devastating rate... HELP!






One dude asked me (yes, kayhwa, its you) some kinda question randomly, and my answer was a one-worded one: fate. What is fate? Well, its hard to explain in english but i think i can try to do that in chinese. Oh well, might not be that specific though

相碰便是緣, 相約便是分
緣乃機緣, 機緣巧合
分乃本分, 安守本分
相碰卻沒聚, 有緣沒分
相約卻沒碰, 情深緣薄
相約也相碰, 此乃緣分也

after typing all these, theres only one thing in my mind... man, i seriously need to do something about my atrocious chinese ....


End of translation

Finally, after almost a year, the case is over~ Man .... I seriously wouldn't want to touch anything legal related agian ... I mean, not that I don't understand what those type of sophisticated English means, but it's just so down right troublesome because of those translating issue... Yes, you are right. I am not the one involved with the case, but I am sort of like the middle man for certain indisputable yet lame reasons... Oh well, it's off my shoulders now so I guess it no longer is my business =D



曾經有人說那已經很好了, 再多加東西只會弄得跟糟
不明... 不確定... 也沒必要去理解...
或許他是對的, 再多加東西可能只會是一場徒勞無功的掙扎
但是, 誰會甘心地對自己說這就是我的極限呢?
即使是這樣, 誰又有能力去規劃出那條限定綫呢?
沒錯, 我會聽從他的建議
極限, 就是等於敗北
這條路是多麽的崎嶇, 但也是多麽的廣闊


Pixel version of HK skyline

Drew this on paint. Really reminds me of those mario from super nintendo and Gameboy colour~


A little piece of my mind

The vexatious tickings had been invading the tranquility every second. The somber back ally greeted with a face of solemnness. It is a myth how long have I been contemplating the barren silhouettes outside. Knowing the result of all these absurdity, I tardily turned my bulky little head. The piece of paper sluggishly glared back. Though only a few legible are conspicuous and the remaining are orderly blank, each word and each phrase, as I continued on, seems to acuminating its already pondering maliciousness. As I reached my last word, my mind is no longer coherent. There seemed to only be one question of which the answer can satisfy these all.

"Damn! Why on Earth am I reading all these crap?!"

For a moment, I sprinted across my mind in search of a justification. After numerous more tick-tocking irritations, my mental exploration came to an abrupt end. For the first time, the answer I ransacked seemed apparent. I ditched away the piece of atrocities and continued with the luminous limpid hospitable yet raven metropolis outside.



What better way to kill some time when you are stuck with an assignment than vandalizing your own lecture notes? =D



終于懂什麽是鳥日了... 真的真的很鳥呢~!

Man... The reason why I never liked birddays is that they never go according to what you want. Slept for somewhat close to 4 hours cause was draining brain cells on some stupid assignments which are never too obvious. After which there still is that ruddy school even though its a Saturday ... man, field trips are never gracious or benevolent enough... not even one itty-bitty close! So basically, wasted around 5 to 6 hours on that dumb of a field trip (didn't even bother taking pictures, its pointless), for which at least an hour and a half is gone for travelling. As for cakes, well, my dad got me one, but I've got a feeling it will spell "ouch" if anyone got hit by it right in the face... And for dinner, man ... not that i am not grateful for being treated, but the feeling of being stuffed like a chicken is noway near pleasant... Worst of all, my mum didn't even bothered contacting me ... blehx, either she don't give a damn, or she's still looking at the Chinese calender ... hope it's the latter....
Oh well, there's one improvement. Not many people remembered my birdday~! Especially when if you count those well wishes from facebook out~~~ Oh and I didn't receive any presents apart from the little angbao my dad gave~ Hmmm, yea, don't go wasting on me =P Anyway, yep, so, Davin, don't procrastinate =D, mine isn't all that complementing either =/



幫了他, 反而苦了自己
幫了人, 收到的只是一句膚淺的答謝... 然後沒下文了
冷漠, 虛僞, 現實的面具
我想, 每個人都有吧?


...哦, 我的英文好像變爛了...


生日快到, 但是我什麽都不想要
硬要我說的話, 應該會是一條 "不想要" 的單吧?

夠肥了啦, 該減了啦

拜托, 很浪費時間呐

而且還是一兩個字就算那種呢... 算了... 收到也罷, 不管了

要我拿著一些不太喜歡的東西, 不用卻不好意思... 拜托
呵呵, 把握生日保密得很好呐~~~

願望, 總會給人帶來一種虛假的滿足感
當然, 我還是有自己想要的東西啦
可是在不去奢求的情況下, 理智和本能才會慢慢地浮現出來

我雖然有點與衆不同, 但我畢竟是個平凡人



... 不... 無可能既...



書一本, 可以做啞鈴
書兩本, 可以練腰力
書三本, 真是個傻仔

(抱歉, 由於筆者因操勞過度而不能寫作, 敬請原諒)



Came across this term on some game site. Apparently it popped out on some comments for a kiddy game with the box art having a stuffed teddy bear. Guess what, people started screaming for "PEDOBEAR! SAVE YOURSELF!" etc etc... Pretty ludicrous, isn't it? Anyway, google pedobear and you'll find yourself some sites talking about pedobear, and how he (can't be a she) is a child molester/rapist. Well, here's some extraction from one of them:

If You See a PedoBear - Run for your Poopers!

We got bored and googled ourselves and Since apparently the
word on the tubes is that you all don't know Who or What PedoBear Is...(tahnk
god we made teh site)
Who is PedoBear?: Pedo Bear basically boils down to an
Internet predator of minors. P.B, is your a-typical child molester, or
basically anyone who does horrible things to minors. On or Offline.

Why A (Cartoon) Bear, You Might Ask?

Well, mainly for the view of Danger... as for
someone looking at a Bear.. Yes, he may be cute and furry... but odds are..
It'd Rip your Face off. The Same Rules Apply.
There's Also Speculation about
the Homosexual sterotype of 'Bears', I.E.: Someone who is hairy, and
usually quite overweight.

The Pedo bear graphic is just a simple sterotype, made into
a lovable cartoon character for the sake of general humor and product

Pedo Bear typically is shown stealing children, running
from the FBI and occasionally limping around missing a foot (FBI Bear

and an Added Disclaimer For the Stupid People :
are No Bears who Roam the Internet or 4chan looking for Children. Only Human's
can be PedoBear. I think...



而且一點就是兩年前的歌 O.o
嗯嗯 爲什麽我不可以好像正常人那樣
可是話又說回來, 用拼音打字真的蠻快的~
話説回來, 這些屁話又跟那首歌有什麽關係呢?
嗯, 就這樣了
哦, 還有... 其實身上有多幾塊bling bling又有什麽所謂呢? ...連他也是一身bling bling啊...


作詞:吳克群 作曲:吳克群

我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道將軍說的話不一定對
我知道對 或錯 我自己能分辨請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~
我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道外國的月亮沒比較圓
我知道YO YO YO不是我的語言 請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~

我是個小兵 我繃緊了神經 在戰場上拼命 聽誰在發號施令
將軍在微醺 他方向分不清 西方人念經 他全都聽
不同的膚色 說不同的話語 相同的節奏 有不同的旋律
自己的文化 由自己來說明 自己的舞台 有我們自己聽

我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道將軍說的話不一定對
我知道對 或錯我自己能分辨請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~
我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道外國的月亮沒比較圓
我知道YO YO YO不是我的語言 請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~

將軍追流行 他全身的Bling Bling 是西方人念經 他忘了自己先生貴姓
他滿口 Check out 想叫他 Get out
我是個小兵 卻樂天知命

我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道將軍說的話不一定對
我知道 對或錯 我自己能分辨 請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~
我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道外國的月亮沒比較圓
我知道YO YO YO不是我的語言 請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~

我知道對 我們有種
我知道對 我們敢衝
我知道對 驕傲的龍

我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道將軍說的話不一定對
我知道 對或錯 我自己能分辨 請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~
我知道對 有什麼不對 我知道外國的月亮沒比較圓
我知道YO YO YO不是我的語言 請你安靜點 請你安靜點 嘿~~


Lock's Quest

A nice little game I found from a DS emulator site. Not bad, try the online version. It's about shooting waves and waves of monsters and trying to guard your castle... Well, frankly speaking, I have only played it for 30 seconds =P. But nonetheless, its nice. Try it =D


Rejected starwars idea

I guess life's hard being a designer. I mean, all of these are great ideas and most of them will become excellent products. I sure would go for the desk lamp and the wave battle scene scape if they can be found in the market.



Got myself a new NDSL cause the R button of my older one is faulty. Well, since my old NDSL was black, I want a brighter colour for a change. There's two colours which got my attention - Lime green and Pikachu's yellow limited edition. Well, the box cover for lime green looks real attractive, but when the sales dude took it out, the whole thing looks really dull, something like olive green instead of lime green or yellow green. So I got myself a little pikachu for my new NDSL~ cuteness + ~~

Cute box~
Somehow I like yellow
A bit too yellowish, dont you think so?

Dont look down on this cute little pikachu logo... it cost 100 buck HKD
(a normal NDS cost 10xxHKD, lime green cost 12xxHKD, pika version cost 13xxHKD)