Sick of studying, so I guess I'll write something more... unusual, here.
10 Reasons why AO General Paper is O level English counter part
1 - There's no English Language (apart from Eng lit which doesnt counts) for A leve, so theres got to be a subject in its place, and thats your General Paper.
2 - The subject is taught by the department of English
3 - The exam format is much similar when compared to O level English language, just that there's the Oral portion missing, you have a lot more essay titles to choose from which really confuses you and that you have to write one ridiculous essay (not summary) for compre.
4 - 35% of your grade accounts for language use (in english, duh)
5 - most of your GP tutors have a degree in English
6 - General Paper is an AO subject, just like Chinese, which gives it a "compulsory language subject" feel
7 - You get scolded by your tutor for not knowing what some super complex words means, but not during chemistry, biology, history or even eng lit
8 - Your are required (at least in school) to follow some marking schemes for your essay, and there are model essays which you are never interested in, just like O level english
9 - Most of your GP tutors taught O level english in a secondary school, if they have ever been to one to teach
10 - Do you seriously think that the ministery of education will free us from the burdern of studying English? HELL NO