

Games at Miniclip.com - SneezeSneeze

As a virus, your goal is to infect as many humans as possible

Play this free game now!!
Having a bad flu and there's no one to share it with? Not to worry, as here comes Sneeze!

Sneeze is a flash game of which you, a contagious human with some deadly flu, aims to spread your virus around the area you are targeting at, so that most, if not all, of the people around will be infected. Controls are easily manipulated, as the arrow keys (or wasd) are for movements and space is for sneezing. Graphics, similar to the controls, are kept with simplicity - something which you will expect from a five minute killer. As for sounds, apart from the background sounds of various settings, is the "Achoooooo...."s... like it or not, this is a sneezing game. Oh and it should also be noted that only one sneeze per setting is allowed, so sneeze wise!

Main screen
Sneeze Sneeze Sneeze!
Each dude will only sneeze once, including yourself
You need a certain % of infected people to advance to the next level
Some dudes like to hide in a corner ...
Aim for the middle!
Dont stand to close to the preys, and aim for the middle
let them spread....

And you will get a 100% infection in no time~
