
Windows start up music

Was camping at the back of the classroom in lit and art class today, as usual. I don't really talk to the people there, not much at least. Not that easy blending into them.

Anyway, the instructor asked a peculiar question and the whole class went silent. I was switching my notebook then. After like 2 to 3 seconds of silence (tranquility to me), the Windows start up music of my notebook played... Of course, it broke the interrogating silence, and the whole class roared with laughter (though with some subtleness). Guess I screwed up again ... eh?

Oh well, at least I managed to broke the silence in a funny and acceptable way, though I'll rather I didn't.


Lost in translation

I know I'm not that much of a righteous person. I know. I KNOW. Why? Cause I can't help laughing at someone when he or she screws up (mostly he, I don't normally laugh at girls). Oh well, sometimes its real hard try not to laugh at something that is hell hilarious, especially when that guy tries his best to make it look real cool. Cool my a**...

Anyway, heres what happened. Theres Chinese lesson, as usual. Our instructor asked us to translate some English brand names/slogans into Chinese. He split the class into 4 groups and asked for peer reviews after that. Well, the first one is this (Hong Kong IFC slogan) :
Be informed, be amazed, be shocked
And our translation is

Well, I personally don't like the 吧 too much cause it gives a strong hint of "mainland" feel, but still, it has the most positive votes for the peer reviewing so I guess its still a nice little translation =D. Anyway, the second one is an American cosmetic brand:
Urban Decay
And our translation is
I personally liked this one quite a lot. The 小, or small, sort of represents the size of cosmetics in quite a pictorial form. And then 誘惑, or temptation, here, brings out a hint of negativity which can be observed from the word decay. 小城 here defines a cosmopolitan state and its insignificance, which corresponds to the word Urban. The whole phrase than gives the reader a sense of significance that is embedded in a larger insignificant context, just like how the significance of cosmetics is enhanced though it is insignificant when compared to the rest in terms of size. Anyway, we got the most positive votes (again, ya =D), but the point is... theres one particular group which I find ... well, I beg your pardon but.... hilarious. To cut it short, heres what they wrote:


When I first saw this phrase, what crossed my mind was roller coaster, or rides of some sort. Erm... seriously, isn't the adventurous sense kinda too strong here? It just reminds me of those theme park rides or tourist rides, like those city bus rides of a sort... -_- ... Then there's this word 崎 ... I know they wanted to rhyme with the last syllable of Decay, but ... do you have to? It looks real weird. And that really reminds me of 山崎麵包 ... -_- ... and I said that to my group in quite a loud voice... yea, the dude who wrote this must have heard... (that explains my intro paragraph)... oh and to make it worse, he wrote explanation for each and every word. Heck... so much for creativity... its too chocking -_- ... and that guy acts like hes such a pro in these crap and things like that (who else will give one whole bunch of explanations for 4 words?!) ... come on, get a life... ...

Oh and why am I writing in different chucks, point X for intro and conclusion, and point Y for the middle portion... Thats so ... Achebe...........



You have some interesting points about Sontag’s thesis and you have clearly thoroughly examined Sontag’s book on photography. Grammar and sentence structure need a little more work. Good Work
Basically, I still suck at grammar. Blehx, so much for being singlish native...


改詞 - 還是剩我一個


還是剩我一個 (說好的幸福呢)


我們不是説好的  一起畢業呢
可是爲何還剩我一個 繼續在熬呢
你們穿的畢業袍  還是橙色的
相機斷斷續續拍著照 留作紀念了

快離開了  走了  別回頭就是了
快走了  去了  要散了
一開始的數學科  我還得F兩遍呢

怎麼了 畢業了 還是剩 我一個
我懂了 defer了 夠遜了 活該了
那堆F過的科 一一細數著 我再retake
GPA零點九的那個成績 還呈現著呢

你們走吧 就丟下 我一個
我錯了 承認了 成績呢 泡湯了
只是那張成績單還得保留著 還能怎麽了

你們快要脫難了  我還熬
還記得以前那些功課 還是抄的呢
懷念那些source吧  以後就沒了
而你們離開這鬼地方 這就解脫了

照片拍了  帥了  畢業袍也穿了
滿足了  爽了  那我呢
告別的這小玩兒  我嘗過好多遍呢

怎麼了 到頭來 還是剩 我一個
不捨得 捨不得 到最後 都散了
那熬過的日子 一一細數著 若再重演
那些無趣無聊又苦悶的課 我才不要呢

快點走吧 別對這 眷戀著
炒股的 教書的 什麽的 都好了
只是不要學我這樣還留在這 讀這些屁呢

怎麼了 三年了 還是剩 我一個
爛課本 八半課 那筆記 幾百頁

別再等了 快一點 離開這
告別了 分道了 有緣的 再會了
只是那些一起頽廢過的日子 不會重演了