
Dogs, hens, corn, seed and vine cuttings ... but no woman?!

"In From the Earth to the Moon and a Trip Round It, Verne was concerned chiefly with the mechanical problem of the journey. ... For the fate of the men themselves we care nothing. They are so sexless that though they take dogs, hens, corn, seed and vine cuttings to colonise the moon, it never occurred to them that women also might be helpful." - Norman Nicholson, H.G. Wells.

It's not that I'm a fan boy of Wells or that I particularly like Darwinian stuff. On the other hand, come on ... without Darwinian ideas on "Sexual Selection", we will have something like Verne's From the Earth to the Moon... I mean, no matter how much you like queer theories or bromance or homosexuality, you can never reproduce with a man trying to "penetrate" another. Either these writers are so into scientific romance that they forgot about the more mainstream romance, the one featuring a boy and a girl, or that they simply forgot about the existence of the other sex (how patriarchal!). Yeah, I agree that science is cool, but hey, we still need to make love so that we can populate a colony, and Darwin will definitely agree to that.
